Self-Care Sunday- How do you experience loneliness in your life?

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Happy Sunday Reader!

It finally feels like summer may be just around the corner! Finally! One of my favorite parts of summer is how it feels like everyone is out, about, and mingling. I run into so many people in the summer, that I never see the rest of the year!

Loneliness can happen any time of the year, but it can be especially difficult in the summer when it seems like everyone is doing things with other people.

person looking out through window

Self care tip.....

Social media, Zoom, smart phones, and email have left us more connected than ever before, and yet society is facing more loneliness that ever before. Even though we may use technology to feel more connected, it may be exactly what is leading us to feel lonely.

So if you find yourself feeling lonely or socially disconnected, then try out some of these simple tips to get re-connected with people.

  • Intentionally interact with someone in your home or easily accessible in your daily life.
  • Reinforce your current relationships, starting with any that feel like they are drifting away.
  • Interact with a stranger by having a genuine interaction
  • Use self-care to sooth your nervous system with some self-love
  • Experience something new, like trying a new restaurant, workout, or visiting a new area of your town.

Have you experienced loneliness? What tips and tricks have helped you to feel more connected with the people in your life? I would love to hear them over on our Instagram page!

Etsy Find of the week.....

People are so creative! This shop is one of the most fun for a flower loving gal like me! These are flowers made from felt that look so fun and are so unique compared to normal "fake" flowers! Kelsey hand makes these from Ohio! How cool and creative is that!

I love these petite bouquets that can be used in so many areas of your home!

Photo from shop on Etsy

These roses are my favorite individual flower! So intricate!

Photo from shop on Etsy

Ok, maybe this lavender is my favorite... It is so hard to pick one!

Photo from shop on Etsy

These are succulents that anyone can keep "alive"!

Photo from shop on Etsy

Upcoming week intention......

Thinking back to our conversation about energy last week, this week I challenge you to find one or more new ways you can do something that adds energy into your batteries. This may tie into loneliness! Can you incorporate a person or a new location into your experiment?

Weekly good news to share.....

A popular topic in the US news recently is whether the US president will forgive some or all of student loan debt for the population. This is controversial in the US, but this week’s good news is not controversial!

group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the air

An anonymous private donor paid off all student loans for the graduating class of Wiley College in Marshall Texas. What an amazing gift this person is able to give to these students to take the heavy weight of debt from these students as they start their post college life!

Featured blog post of the week......

Volunteering is a great way to fight loneliness. If you don't volunteer anywhere, there are so many non-profits who could use some more volunteers right now! Here are some great tips on how to get started volunteering in your community!

One thing I am loving this week.....

A complementary idea to fighting loneliness is to embrace it. One thing I have really learned to enjoy over the past 5 years, is solo travel.

Getting to challenge myself in a new environment and relying only on myself (and my emergency credit card if things go sideways!), is an empowering and challenging experience! If you are toying with the idea of a solo trip, check out some of these ideas for solo trips and these ideal destinations in the US for you to take your first solo trip! What catches your eye?

I love exploring a new city on my own, so a city trip like Nashville, Savannah, and Sedona have been added to my travel list! Where will you explore?

person carrying yellow and black backpack walking between green plants


PS: Don't forget to join us on Instagram or Facebook to share your thoughts on our topic this week!

For more info from Kaybee Lives, check out our website or sign up for our weekly newsletter here.

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