Self-Care Sunday- Do you treat your body like a garden? Read to learn more!

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Happy Sunday Reader!

Happy Fathers day to all the dad's out there! (Psst If you are in the US, make sure to give your dad a call today!) I hope all of the dad's out there feel loved and special on this Fathers day.

Self care tip.....

I came across this quote recently, and it really hit home on a day that I was struggling. Take a moment to read it and see how it resonates with you.

The more I started thinking about my body, the more I thought this was an amazing reminder.

  • Your body can and does repair itself when given time and proper care
  • Your body needs tending to in order to thrive
  • Sometimes there is nothing "wrong" with your body, it just needs the right set of conditions to thrive

There are so many ways you can use this garden metaphor to support your love of your body. This concept is simple for anyone to understand. If we give our bodies the basics of quality sleep, activity, hydration, and healthy food, we will be providing our body with the care it needs to thrive.

Consider this idea during the week. Instead of being mad at your body for not working at it's peak level, become curious about what is missing to prevent your garden from flourishing.

Etsy Find of the week.....

To continue our garden theme (and because I love pretty things), here are some Etsy ideas for how you can tend your physical garden!

I love these happy metal flowers that will be colorful all year long!

Photo from shop on Etsy

Create a custom walking path with this personalized stone! A great gift for a family member!

Photo from shop on Etsy

Everyone needs a little sun in their life, even if it is a metal sun!

Photo from shop on Etsy

Relax in your garden and enjoy the music of the wind with these glass windchimes!

Photo from shop on Etsy

Upcoming week intention......

After you evaluate if you are giving your body the care it needs to thrive, what can you do to provide more care for more thriving? Consider this and see if there is an area of your life to adjust to help with thriving.

Weekly good news to share.....

I love it when a community comes together to help out a member. That is just the good news I have to share this week! When Linda was struggling and about to be evicted from her long time residence, her neighbors came to the rescue! Check out this amazing story!

Featured blog post of the week......

If you are in the gardening mood, check out the wellness benefits that gardening gives you! Even a small garden or even container gardening has been shown to provide noticeable health benefits! If you are a gardener, what health benefits have you noticed?

black wheelbarrow near tree during daytime

One thing I am loving this week.....

One of my favorite parts of summer, are slow summer days spent relaxing outside with friends. A fun addition to those gatherings is a festive, ice cold beverage for everyone to enjoy! To accommodate everyone, I prefer to have a mocktail or non-alcoholic cocktail that still feels festive and special. Here are a ton of ideas for mocktails for you to include at your next gathering!

Which one catches your eye? I think the Blackberry Virgin Mojito and Watermelon Lemonade are the two I am going to try first!

three assorted drinks in glasses with straws


PS: Don't forget to join us on Instagram or Facebook to share your thoughts on our topic this week!

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